Robert B. Our Company., Inc. is a multi-faceted Family Owned & OperatedSite & Utility Company primarily working on the South Coast, Nantucket &Martha?s Vineyard . We are Currently Seeking a Human Resources ManagerThe Human Resources Manager is responsible for updating & implementationof HR policies, procedures & company handbooks. Manage & oversee thehiring & onboarding procedures. Work closely with the HR team &organizational executives on HR strategizes to align with businessobjectives & enhance companies? culture & performance. JobResponsibilities Essential duties & responsibilities include: Create,update & implement HR Policies, procedures & company handbook. Ensureall policies are clearly communicated to employees & enforced.Implementation & management of HR management portal in our companysoftware. Work Closely with HR team & Organizational executives tostrategize & align company culture & performance with the businessobjectives. Create & maintain employee job descriptions & process foronboarding & exit interview Work with the HR team to oversee benefits &policies are harmonized. Oversee payroll administrator, verify & confirmweekly input & facilitate payroll process. Work with Benefits &Insurance manager on programs, requirements & implementation. Work withmanager on all program audit needs. Work with Safety Department onanalysis & interpretation of work force trends. Including gathering &analyzing metrics to help decision making. Work with Executives & SafetyDepartment on developing & implementing necessary training, including ayearly safety day. Serve as point of contact for all employeegrievances, & mediate workplace conflict & coordinate re-training asneeded. Assist with recruiting & interviewing qualified candidates.Promote a positive & inclusive workplace environment. This will alsoentail organizing company initiatives & events to enhance teamcollaboration. Candidates will need to meet the followingqualifications: Previous experience in HR management role, with a mid tolarge size employer (3+ years preferred). Knowledge of currentemployment laws & best practices. Must be detailed-oriented Must havestrong work ethic, be well-organized & a self-starter Ability tointeract with employees in a professional manner Ability to handlesensitive & confidential information Construction Experience is HelpfulIf you are passionate about human resources & ready to make asignificant impact within our organization, we encourage you to applyfor this exciting opportunity!
Job ID: 470621357
Originally Posted on: 3/25/2025